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2015年08月31日 本文来源:Modern 02 图片来源:Modern 02 作者:betty




展览时间: 2015年09月05日 ~ 10月15日 每天10:00-17:00
展览地点: 盖亚画廊(广州市越秀区解放北路越秀公园花卉C馆)
参展艺术家:邓箭今 范勃 方力钧 刘煒 宋永红 尹朝阳 岳敏君 钟飈
    “Individual biography” implies mainstream ecological and language of Chinese contemporary art, which need to add the inner driving force of secondary ecology and language change. The “painting” on the shelf is the key.
    When their art career is steadily rising the artists are manifested by other media. For example, their behavior, images and concepts are performed through art at the same time, we review “creation on canvas” by early famous artists, and realize their responses to the art history and expressing ideas from the painting or higher artistic value.
    The shelf works interprets the creation background, linguistic features, implied meaning of the theme, creation purpose, process of image transfer, and so on. . The research method couples with the history books of traditional Chinese painting: Biography.” In contemporary art, it is more like “individual biography”.
    We are trying to convey the prosperity of contemporary art through this exhibition returning to painting again.