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闫欣悦 Yan Xinyue


2015年03月24日 本文来源:Modern 02 图片来源:Modern 02 作者:betty


    我没有刻意地去给我的画赋予一个明确的情感状态,而是更倾向于将我的画面置于一个模糊的情感状态,或是叙事与非叙事之间。我痴迷于身体语言,我在我的作品中运用了很多表演式的肢体动作,她们是强制下被规训的躯体,被驯化,被操纵,被塑造。我收集这些动作多数通过日常照片(例如偶然在街头遇见的杂技表演)或是在网上搜索得来的图像。 我会在进行一张油画之前根据照片草草地勾勒出这些动作,然后尝试放弃照片将这些动作以我自己的方式在绘画里实现,然而当一个想法物化成一副绘画时一些最初期待的事物会随即丢失,而我非常享受绘画这种从丢失到寻找的过程。
    I didn’t attempt deliberately to engage my painting with the specific emotion. However, I’m more eager to put my painting into a vague emotive statement , or between the “narrative” and the“rambling”. I’m obsessed with the body language, I take some exaggerated body postures as the elements of my works, those bodies disciplined are under the constraint and the force, they are domesticated,they are manipulated, they are formed. I collected those postures by some daily photos ( for example some acrobatics performers that I encountered on the street), or by some pictures that I gained online. I always make a roughly drawing for those gestures before I start to paint, then later I will abandon the photograph and try to express the figures by my own way. I realize when the idea is materialized into a painting, something that have been expected at the beginning will disappear in follow, but I’m really enjoy the process of losing and finding during I paint.

Body Hills Park 肉山公园, 布面油画, 120 x 90 cm, 2014
morning exercice, oil on canvas,85 x 130 cm
morning exercice做早操, 布面油画, 85 x 130 cm,2014
Les Collines,75 x 55 cm
Les Collines小山丘, 布面油画, 75 x 55 cm, 2014
Le parc public 180 x 120 cm
Le parc public人民公园, 布面油画, 180 x 120 cm,2014
Le parc public人民公园, 局部
Le parc public人民公园, 局部
morning in france
morning in france法国清晨, 布面油画, 73 x 90 cm, 2014
腾挪空间:空间自相关, 装置, 2015
腾挪空间:空间自相关, 装置, 局部
Inverse reflection双反射, 布面丙烯+油画, 80 x 73 cm, 2015
失眠症, 布面油画, 50 x 70 cm, 2012
复活再复活, 纸本丙烯, 40 x 27 cm, 2014
常见的风景, 布面丙烯+油画, 80 x 58 cm,2014
侵入, 丝网印刷, 39 x 45 cm, 2014

2011年 就读广州美术学院油画系(第四工作室),目前本科大四在读
2014年 赴英国伦敦大学斯莱德美术学院(SLADE School of Fine Art ,UCL) 交换学习
2014年 空间自相关,腾挪空间,广州
2014年 Touch—初遇的关系和伤害的可能性(李冠廷,闫欣悦 双人展),新松园展厅,广州
2013年 第三周:《傻瓜是我们最后的希望吗?》 DigitaLive2013年广州国际行为艺术节, 优游当代艺术中心(小洲礼堂),广州
2012年 COW国际插画节,Architect House, 第聂伯罗彼得罗夫斯克, 乌克兰
Xinyue YAN
Born in August, 1992
2011.9—2015.7 Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, Guangzhou, China(BA)
2014.1—2014.7 Slade School of Fine Art , UCL, London ,UK (Exchange study)
Personnel Exhibition:
2015 “Spatial Autocorrelation”, SABAKI SPACE,Guangzhou
Group Exhibitions:
2014 “Touch:The relation of the first encounter and the possibility of the harm” , Xinsongyuan exhibition room, GAFA, Guangzhou
2013 “The third week: Is the fool our last hope?” DigitaLive (Guangzhou International Action Art Festival ) , yoyo contemporary art gallery,Guangzhou
2012 COW International Design (Illustration) Festival 2012, Architect House, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine